Gerard’s fundraising is still secure

Gerard’s fundraising is still secure

You will all be pleased to know that the funds that Gerard has raised over the past 3 or 4 years are all safe and secure in a trust account ready to be passed onto the Global Gardens of Peace team. It will involve a trip out to Warrandyte to get the bank cheque. My...

Global Gardens of Peace Fundraising begins

Global Gardens of Peace Fundraising begins

Behind the scenes, the Global Gardens of Peace team have been working with Yooralla on an MoU, agreeing on how we can all work together to build the Food Forest on the VASS site. Now that discussions have taken place and the teams have reached an agreement, Global...

Sue presents at Rotary Preston

Sue presents at Rotary Preston

On Wednesday 8th June, I was the guest speaker at the Rotary Preston branch meeting. Geoff and David had previously been to visit the VASS site and were keen for me to let the members know about the project. I spoke on behalf and about Gerard and his love of gardens...

Save the Date -We are celebrating Gerard’s life.

Save the Date -We are celebrating Gerard’s life.

We will be celebrating Gerard's life and our time we all had the privilege of spending with him. This informal, family friendly event will be held on the first anniversary of his passing - Saturday October 1st- at around 4 pm. Keep your fingers crossed for good...

8 Months is much harder than 8 weeks

8 Months is much harder than 8 weeks

Tomorrow (June 1st) will be 8 months since Gerard left us. At times it seems just like yesterday and at others, like forever. We miss his cheeky grin, his wicked sense of humour and his energy and motivation for his projects. I haven't felt much like posting. Actually...

Rotary Preston is working with us

Rotary Preston is working with us

On February 24th, Geoff and David from the Rotary Club of Preston visited the VASS Site to meet with myself and Susana from the Global Gardens of Peace. No photos as we were too busy talking and getting excited. Geoff and David both came with some wonderful ideas on...

The Restorative Power of Nature

The Restorative Power of Nature

Yesterday, the Global Tracheostomy Collaborative hosted their patient and family forum of which Gerard had been a part of many. The team provided an awesome acknowledgment of Gerard's life and paid tribute to his contributions to the GTC. The  focus of the forum was...

Gerard’s Fundraising continues

Gerard’s Fundraising continues

Needless to say, our fundraising for the Food Forest has slowed considerably over the holiday break. Gerard would not have been pleased! To kick start the year off, we have decided to sell Gerard's books to get things started and to raise some more funds to go towards...