The paving is well under way.
It is a real building site now with plenty of action. Check out the progress on the paving. Thanks so much to the team (Paddo and crew) who are working on the site with Susana, from Global Gardens and Peace, as Project Manager. Progress is being made. Photos: Susana...
The concrete is poured.
Today, 22 February 2023, would have been Gerard's 73rd birthday and he would have received the best birthday present ever. Today the concrete was poured for the paths at VASS for the Food Forest Project. How excited he would have been. Photo: Susana Owen. Global...
And the site is cleared!
Progress continues at VASS. The site has now been cleared in readiness for laying out the paths and getting ready for the concrete. Gerard would have been so excited to watch the progress.
The temporary fencing is up!
It may only be a small step, but it's the beginning! The temporary fencing has been erected around the VASS Food Forest site in readiness for clearing Ready for action. Watch this space!
Turning of the Sod- The Food Forest Project begins!
On 16 January 2023, representatives from the Global Gardens of Peace, and the residents, staff and management of Yooralla met together between House 1 and 2 at VASS to begin Gerard's Food Forest Project. Terry Symonds, CEO of Yooralla, opened proceedings and welcomed...
Gerard’s Picnic
On October 1st, a year since Gerard passed, over 120 of us gathered at Stiggants Reserve in Warrandyte for a "Picnic in the Park" to remember and celebrate Gerard's life. The weather was perfect. The City of Whitehorse band played a number of Gerard's favourites. (He...
Monday Night at The Movies- Global Gardens Fundraiser for Gerard’s Garden
Global Gardens of Peace are hosting a Movie Night to fundraise for Gerard's Garden On Monday 8th August at The Thornbury Picture House. Greenfingers is a heartwarming true story of a prison inmate with a green thumb who goes on to compete in a national garden design...
VASS Residents get together to fundraise
Last Saturday, VASS residents, staff, family and friends came together for a sausage sizzle and a mini workshop- "Let's Grow, Reuse and Recycle". Led by Cathy from House 4, we introduced bench top compost bins for each House and two tumbling compost bins with the aim...
Oh What a Night! Global Gardens Fundraiser was a HUGE Success
On Friday 17th June, the Global Gardens of Peace Fundraising event features an art auction. Paintings by Angus Douglas of the Tasmanian bushland were a feature. Not all of Angus' paintings sold on the night (some were just for sale and not part of the auction) but the...
Mandy McCracken speaks at the Global Gardens of Peace VASS Fundraising Launch.
Friday night saw around 90 people at a ticketed event at a beautiful private home. With great food and sensational wine, guests enjoyed a heartwarming welcome from Moira Kelly, Patron of Global Gardens. Mandy McCracken spoke about her "journey" through sepsis and...