Join us! Andrew Laidlaw, keynote Speaker at the upcoming TRAMS Patient and Family Forum
On Monday February 28th 2022, from 1:30pm - 2:45pm (Melbourne Time), the Austin Health Tracheostomy Patient and Family Forum will continue with it's series, Continuing Conversations that Count. This particular family and friends forum on The Restorative Power of...
Thank You to everyone for their thoughts and good wishes
It is coming up for four months since Gerard passed away. It has been an interesting time as we have been unable to catch up with family and friends and have very much only had the opportunity to grieve his loss on our own. We are soooo looking forward to sharing and...
Global Gardens of Peace Fundraising Open Garden
I am excited by this one as the owners of this Open Garden have worked on it for over 30 years. I went to Teacher's College with Michelle, who studied Environmental Studies. John lectures at Burnley Agricultural College. (john was instrumental in getting Gerard in...
Ged Kearney, Federal Member for Cooper visits the Food Forest site.
On December 8th, we were also thrilled to welcome Ged Kearney, Federal Member for Cooper to VASS for a tour of the Food Forest site. for me it was a bitter sweet day, one that I know Gerard would have loved, as he enjoyed talking about the project and inspiring others...
Kat Theophanous Shares her visit to VASS on Facebook
On December 14th, Kat Theophanous, MP, Member for Northcote, shared a post about her site visit to VASS to see the location of the Food Forest and to hear more about our plans. She has been a great supporter of the Forest and has assisted Global Gardens with some...
Susan Rennie, Former Mayor and Current Councillor shows her support
Gerard had been in contact with Susan Rennie, Former Mayor of the City of Darebin and now a councillor. They had exchanged emails during lockdown about the project and Gerard's plans for VASS. I was humbled to hear what affect Gerard had had on Susan and how she was...
We receive our first plant!
Gerard's email contacts were extensive for the Food Forest. I guess if you are in "lockdown" you may as well get busy! He had been emailing Ministers, as you do and connected with Bill from the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing, who actually own the VASS...
Gerard’s Fundraising Hits a new High
A huge THANK YOU to all of Gerard's friends, family and supporters who have donated a whopping $10,000 (Not all via this site) towards the VASS Food Forest Project. Although Gerard may be gone and won't be able to utilize the garden himself, it will be his living...
The Site Visit is happening on December 8th
We are thrilled to let you know that we have a number of VIP supporters attending VASS to view the site of our proposed Food Forest. Gerard would have been so excited. The following special guests have accepted our invitation for a tour and to see our plans in person....
The Importance of Gardens- for Gerard
I have been looking through the files on Gerard's computer and found this! Knowing Gerard for 41 years, I understand how important the garden was to him for his health and well being. He would spend hours out there (much due to necessity as we loved on an acre!) This...