On Site Meetings
We have a number of people who are looking forward to visiting the VASS site to offer their support for Gerard's Food Forest. Kat Theophanous, Member for Northcote and Ged Kearney, MP for Cooper have both requested site visits that will take place within the next...
Gerard is mentioned in State Parliament
Recently I received an email from Sam, the Electorate Officer from the Office of Kat Theophanous, MP, and Member for Northcote. Gerard had met with her recently in regard to the VASS Project. The email had a link to Kat's recent Members Statement made in State...
Gerard’s first vegetable garden- an inspiration!
From little things, big ideas grow. When Gerard was growing up, he loved watching his father in the garden. When he had the opportunity to have his own garden, he jumped at the chance. It was1984, and he and and his new wife, Sue, moved into a rented unit in...
Gerard’s Fundraising Hits $8550
Thank you to everyone who has donated wither on line, in cash or via the Global Gardens of Peace tax deductible link https://www.communityfoundation.org.au/making-a-difference/stories/global-gardens-of-peace Gerard, his family and friends have raised over $8500 so far...
Devastating news.
For those of you who haven't heard, Gerard passed away on Friday, October 1st, back in Bed 23 in the spinal ward at the Austin Hospital, after taking ill on theThursday morning. Needless to say, we are all devastated and know that many will share in our loss. We...
Yooralla Pledges $106,000
During our meeting yesterday, Yooralla fundraising and philanthropy have pledged $106,000 to the Food Forest at VASS. To say we are excited is an understatement! Thank you to Eloise, Leanne, Kristy and Kathy for believing in this project and for helping us to make it...
Meeting with Stakeholders
Another meeting, this time via Microsoft Teams with the teams at Yooralla and the Global Gardens of Peace. This one was long and productive as the team work out how we work together and what needs to be done before the works get started. We have a wonderful team of...
Meeting with Kat Theophaneous, Member for Northcote
Last Tuesday, September 21st, The Global Gardens of Peace team met with local MP, Kat Theophanous, Member for Northcote, and her assistant Samantha. After filling her in about who Global Gardens is and what they do, they shared our VASS project. There was much...
Meeting with Deborah Halpern and The Global Gardens Team
On Monday September 20th, the Global Gardens team and myself met with Deborah Halpern, to establish the type of art that will be incorporated into the Food Forest. We also discussed ideas on how we can get the local community involved. It was a great meeting of the...
Although our total only reads just over $4000, our current total is actually $5347 which includes some generous cash donations. Not bad given that we haven't really started our concentrated fundraising effort yet. Thank You to all of our supporters and donors. We...