At last Friday’s Global Gardens of Peace fundraising evening, I had the honor of speaking about Gerard and his inspiration and drive for his garden at VASS. I also spoke about the beginnings of VASS as a place built purposefully for ventilated patients- originally for those who were in iron lungs in Fairfield Hospital. It is truly an amazing place and present and future residents will very much enjoy and benefit from a beautiful garden that will provide food for them, their family and friends and staff. It was fabulous to see representatives from Yooralla and VASS in attendance supporting the cause- and great to catch up with them.

It was a really well organised and well run event that I was thrilled to be a part of it. Needless to say, I helped set up, hang paintings and put together some of the delicious food before we got started. Thanks to the Morrison’s for opening up their home and creating a sensational start to the GGoP fundraising. Zac and I had a great night.