On October 1st, a year since Gerard passed, over 120 of us gathered at Stiggants Reserve in Warrandyte for a “Picnic in the Park” to remember and celebrate Gerard’s life. The weather was perfect. The City of Whitehorse band played a number of Gerard’s favourites. (He loved a brass band) We ate ice cream, drank coffee and ate Portuguese tarts- all of Gerard’s favourites. Kathryn, one of Gerard’s students and Young Farmers from his Tintern days (1990’s) shared her memories and the impact and influence that Gerard had on her and her career. “Wazza” shared memories and stories of his mate, “Gezza”. Tanis, the speech pathologist who was instrumental in helping Gerard to speak again after his accident talked about the influence and impact Gerard had at the Austin and beyond. Max and Zac both shared stories and memories of Gerard as their dad- all interwoven by stories from Sue, his partner in crime for 41 years. Yes there were a lot of speeches as Gerard had made the most of his 71 Years. makingĀ  an impact on so many lives with his presence.

We finished by lighting sparklers that represented Gerard’s spark and zest for life and the memories that will live with us all forever.

Enjoy the video that Zac created of our afternoon together.