Behind the scenes, the Global Gardens of Peace team have been working with Yooralla on an MoU, agreeing on how we can all work together to build the Food Forest on the VASS site. Now that discussions have taken place and the teams have reached an agreement, Global Gardens fundraising has commenced.
On Friday night, 17th June, the launch will take place at an event With Mandy McCracken as guest speaker. Mandy will speak about her journey through a sudden and life-threatening illness to living a happy and fulfilling life with a disability. Angus Douglas, a Tasmanian landscape artist, is offering some of his latest beautiful paintings for auction. All proceeds from the evening will go to the construction of the Food Forest. Zac and I will be there. If you would like further details, or would like to come with us, please email or text me and I will send you an invitation.
Max, Zac and myself are so excited that Gerard’s garden is finally on the move and know that he would have absolutely LOVED this event.
This is one of Angus’ stunning paintings.