Needless to say, our fundraising for the Food Forest has slowed considerably over the holiday break. Gerard would not have been pleased! To kick start the year off, we have decided to sell Gerard’s books to get things started and to raise some more funds to go towards his project.
For those of you who don’t know, Gerard wrote a series of books “Stand on the Shoulders of Giants” and these were a great source of inspiration and encouragement to him, particularly after his accident. He read and re-read the stories of courage, about people who didn’t give up and were willing to keep trying and give things a go. The research he did about these people, certainly helped Gerard to keep going even when he couldn’t move from the neck down. They also provided him with plenty to talk about as he and his stories became an inspiration to many others who worked with him or knew him.
To help make Gerard’s Living Legacy- the VASS Food Forest- a reality, and to celebrate what would have been his 72nd birthday, you can get a copy of his books, either individually or as a set, at an extra special price. ALL of the money will go directly to fund his VASS Food Forest Project. don’t be put off by the postage, (It’s all Australia Post prices) We are more than happy to arrange a pick up or drop off depending on where you are located. I m sure we can work something out!
Thank you for supporting Gerard’s inspiration. Please share this around and let everyone know. Books are on sale at and we can invoice you for a direct deposit or you can pay via paypal.