Fundraising Complete!

Gerard’s Living Legacy is currently in progress.

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How You Can Help


Every little bit helps and so do those big amounts – let’s get this happening

Who is Involved

The Food Forest would not have been possible without some very special people

Our supporters

Without our supporters this would still be a dream.

Our Dream

The Ventilator Accommodation Support Service Food Forest Garden was the dream of one of the facility’s residents, Gerard, who was inspired by the Growroom urban farm to create an immersive food forest garden for the residents. Inspired by the idea of “abundance” and the joy this provides, the design for the garden was developed in consultation with the residents and directed by Gerard.

The design theme is to take a dull and institutionalised landscape space and turn it into a planted oasis with a strong focus on the production of food. The garden will provide an immersive plant experience, with a range of raised beds which residents can sit amongst and brush against. A small pond provides water, movement and
habitat for the native wildlife the residents love. Seating has been designed to allow groups and individuals to enjoy the space, with the configuration responding directly to how people want to use the garden. Covering the whole space is a light pergola trellis, dripping in edible plants and providing shade and shelter.